Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rice/UH Collaboration Tournament

Rice University and the UH womens' team are happy to announce Houston Antifreeze 2011. Come warm up your team for the spring semester in Houston, January 29-30th, 2011! This is a round robin of 8-10 teams at Rice University, the top team will win prizes!

What we have to offer:
- USAU sanctioning
- at least 7-8 games (2 days of play)
- tournament essentials (bread, peanut butter, bananas, etc.)
- a Saturday night dinner/mixer
- gear for sale
- Prizes for the winner!
- housing and on-campus showers if necessary

Tournament fee is $200. If you are interested in attending this tournament, please submit your bid (team, contact name and info, any questions/concerns) to houstonantifreeze@gmail.com by January 15th.

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