Friday, February 25, 2011

Rookie Corner - Angel (#24)

Keep spreading this love! Freshmen! Freshmen! Freshmen! (Audrey's answers are too I'm not going to reformat it into Q/A)

What is your favorite dinosaur? Brontosaurus

Would you rather be a supermodel or a cheerleader? Cheerleader?

What is your favorite throw? (for example, IO flick huck to a fast receiver, OI around break to the dump, etc.) One that people can catch…otherwise a flick huck

Would you rather be a Jedi knight or an elf from Rivendale? JEDI KNIGHT

What is your ideal first date? (i.e. romantic outings on the beach with the sun setting, a glass of wine, etc. We need details!) a nice dinner (Japanese food?) and watching a show at the theatre.

If you could have a torrid affair with anyone from past or present, who would he/she be and why? I’m not really one for torridness or an affair. Adam Lazar’s character in Light in the Piazza?

Would you rather layout D or sky someone? Sky someone. It would mean I could jump.

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